Sunday, July 13, 2008

Know your angles

Know your angles is one important thing to take note if you want to look good in a picture. You may sometimes wonder how come some people look really good in pictures than in person. A picture will capture that moment of beauty which is that best angle you want to show. I would think that most people want to have that slimming effect and if you want to have that you can actually use some make-up to add shadow and contours to the face. This gives the illusion of more prominent cheekbones which have a slimming effect on your face. But use make up that is not hard-edged sculpting and contouring because you will want it to still look natural. Another way is to tilt your head slightly so that the camera picks up the sharper contours of your face. Many celebrities actually does this and they usually get their best shot to be featured in the photos.

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